Joey Carrizales

Member Solano Lived Experience Committee (LEC)

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Apr 3

2023 Spring Conference

The theme this year is “Connecting for Change.” The conference will be held April 3 - 5, 2023, in Phoenix, AZ.

Since experiencing homelessness himself in Vallejo, CA, Joey Carrizales has been a strong advocate for his friends facing similar situations to ensure accessible, ethical and equitable services and affordable housing. Joey has served as a member of the Housing First Solano (HFS) Continuum of Care Board since 2017 and was instrumental in the planning and development of the Solano Lived Experience Committee (LEC). In addition to serving on the HFS Board and LEC, Joey is the co-chair of the HFS CoC Coordinated Entry Committee and a member of the Solano Grievance Advisory Committee.

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